Newwave Media srl

Picnic AltoGusto

When haute cuisine meets the Dolomites peaks you cannot miss it! You will find love for our region, respect for its culinary tradition and will of promoting the exquisite typical products through our cooking, remembering the smells and flavours of our land and at the same time creating refined and innovative dishes. We are very proud to be part of this unique event! Every year the AltoGusto network restaurateurs give life to the food festival of the same name, dedicating themselves to the topic that, from time to time, is the central theme in the exciting evenings of food and wine haute cuisine.



Cena di San Valentino

Felici di accoglierVi nella serata dedicata a San Valentino. Il nostro Chef e il suo staff hanno pensato a un menù gour...
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San Silvestro torchlight procession

The 31st of December at “Col dei Mughi – Stadio dello Slalom” ski run, Sappada Ski School organises a torchlight p...
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Thursday Ski Show

During winter season, Sappada Ski School organises the famous Ski Show, where ski Teachers – belonging to the diff...
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The Carnival of Sappada – Plodar Vosenòcht

The Carnival will be held during the three Sundays preceding Lent, each one of them dedicated to a category of Sappada i...
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Skiing in Sappada: the reliability of Sappada Ski School

20 km of ski runs – 120 days of snow for you! Enjoy this show in total security! At Sappada Ski School you will find m...
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